Here you can find some reviews from people who already uses Nuggela & Sulé’s products.
“It has had an incredible impact on my hair and it no longer falls out!” , “I’m overjoyed! It stimulates hair growth and reduces its loss” , “I notice less hair loss, more volume, and it grows faster” , “My hair stays clean longer than with any other shampoo” or “This is the best shampoo I have ever tried” are just a few examples.

Nuggela & Sulé chosen as the most effective cosmetic
Due to its quality and efficacy, Nuggela & Sulé’s Nº1 Shampoo was chosen the most effective cosmetic in 2017 Beauty Awards by Clara Magazine. Awards reviewed by professionals, journalists and consumers. One acknowledgement more for an innovative and efficient product, as it is the first capillary treatment in shampoo format. In each wash it strengthens the hair follicle, provides more strength, improves volume, hair loss, and oily problems and stimulates hair growth, to show off a healthy and shiny hair.

“Fantastic for my bleached hair”

“Its 100 times better than other purple shampoos”

“The best shampoo I’ve ever tried”

“It delivers what it promises”

“Shampoo and hair conditioner, perfect for hair loss and dandruff”

“The hair really grows. Softens and untangles”

“They’re magnificent, my hair is thicker!”

“Excellent, results are visible in a few days”

“Amazing discovery”

“Brilliant product, hair grows thicker and stronger”

“I couldn’t believe it!”

“Impressive product, the best for damaged hair”

“Great hair mask, it smells so nice!”

“Hydrated hair and with shine”

“Super! longer lashes in less than a month”

“I haven’t used other shampoos: 10 of out 10 against seborrheic dermatitis”